As a key aim for this installation, Red Oak Design was asked to illuminate the area where the driveway meets the walk leading to the front door of this private residence in Mt. Sterling, Ky. The bench provided a great focal point as it sits directly across from the walk. Red Oak installed one Hadco hanging fixture with an Illumicare LED lamp from a branch of one of the ash trees above the bench. Two Kichler LED integrated downlights, one fixture per tree, each with a frosted lens and a long cowl to reduce glare, were used to highlight the drive. Well lights were installed at the base of each of the large ash trees to focus on the texture of the trunks, with four Kichler accent/uplights illuminating the trees’ canopies. Two of the uplights were mounted on the backside of the fence, which, being elevated, are better protected from damage by the property’s maintenance crew.
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